Christmas Lesson-2016—01
Translation made by MARION
I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2.0---Buttons en Frames---3D Glass Frame 1
L en K landssiteofwonders---L en K--- Paris
Mura`s Meister---Perspective Tiling 1.1
Tubes (2)---by Benice---Tube---Maker unknown.
Thanks for using the tubes.
Material Properties:
Foreground color #261a14 ---Background color #d7ad64
Replace your foreground color with a Foreground/Background---Linear---Gradient
Angle 0---Repeats 1---Invert not checked.---0---1.---
You can use my arrow to follow your work
1.File-Open a new transparent image in this size :
Width 900---Height 600 Pixels.
2. Flood fill the layer with the gradient
3. Effects---Plugins--- L en K landssiteofwonders---L en K--- Paris
4. Layers---Duplicate
5. Effects---Plugins--- Mura`s Meister---Perspective Tiling 1.1----Height 12
6. Layers---Duplicate
7. Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP)
8.Open--- deco-1-k2016.png
9. Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
11. Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
12. Effects--Image effects--Offset---Horizontal offset 0---Vertical offset minus 95---Custom---Transparent checked.
13. Layers---Duplicate
14.Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP)
15.Image -- Mirror--Mirror Horizontal (Image / Mirror in older versions of PSP).
16.Open- deco-3-k2016.png
17. Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
18. Effects--Image effects--Offset--Horizontal offset 0---Vertical offset minus 155--Custom--Transparent checked.
19. Layers---Duplicate
20. Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP)
21. Layers---Duplicate
22. Effects---Plugins--- Mura`s Meister---Perspective Tiling----Height 12
Setting is still correct.
Layers---Properties---Set the Blend Mode to Multiply ---Reduce the opacity of this layer to 70%
23. Layers---Duplicate
24. Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP)
25. Layers---Properties---Set the Blend Mode to Lighten ---Reduce the opacity of this layer to -69%
26.Open--- boompjes--Benice-overlay-L-180.png
27. . Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
28. Effects--Image effects--Offset--Horizontal offset 250--Vertical offset minus 60--Custom--Transparent checked.
29. Layers---Duplicate
30. Image -- Mirror--Mirror Horizontal (Image / Mirror in older versions of PSP)
31.Open--- deco-4-k2016.png
32. Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
33.Open--- deco-012.png
34. Edit---Copy
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
35. . Effects--Image effects--Offset--Horizontal offset min 5---Vertical offset 80--Custom--Transparent checked.
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
38. Effects---Image Effects---Offset---Horizontal offset minus 0----Vertical offset minus 210---Custom---
Transparent checked.
39.Layers---Properties---Set the Blend Mode to Luminance ( legacy) -Reduce the opacity of this layer to 70%
Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
42.Move down against the edge.
43.Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked:---2 pixels---Dark color
45.Selections---Select All
46.Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked:---50 pixels---Color white
48.Layers---New raster layer
49.Edit--Paste into selection
50.Adjust--Blur--Gaussian Blur---Radius---25
52.Effects---3D-effects---Drop Shadow---0---0---60---40---Color black
Edit---Repeat---Drop Shadow
53.Selections---Select none
54.Effects---Plugins---<I C Net Software> Filters in Unlimited 2.0---Buttons en Frames---
3D Glass Frame 1--- 2---6---128.
55.Image---Resize---900 pixels width
Resize all layers checked
56.Place your watermark on a new layer
Save as JPG
Have fun with this lesson
Examples created by Kamalini and Hennie